Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I Journey once more

I Journey once more, i must have done something terrible? a fall from grace? Perhaps i hate being the hated? Perhaps i no longer wish to know. Perhaps i know what i need to know? Perhaps... oh vain! Puddleby exiles will now look on me once more in favor as they do all Journeyers. Ah, am i now the victim - they now will love me like they do MaryJane. That is the ultimate goal, is it not?

But, what do they really know? They laugh at the apprentices: "fools" they say, a waste of time, look at you scurry for nothing! they love the Journeyers: "you are useful now!" and they hate the Mystics: "you and your secrets, you won't let us know! you lord over who joins your secret society, this is not right" because we should know everything.

What have i learned? Ignore the wailing ones.

I am on a short trip, on the mind.

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